Brand Ambassadors

Our Brand Ambassadors possess superior communication and customer service skills. Our skillful staff will learn about your product or service to be the best representation of your brand. We have backup staff ready to go for emergencies, we can make dynamic adjustments and changes to accommodate client needs.
Promotional Models

A promotional model is someone who is physically attractive and is expected to interact with potential customers at in-person events and get them excited about your brand’s products and services. In most cases, this person has great poise and an energetic personality.We will ensure they can be fully trained and informed about your products or services before the event starts. The client will pick who of our model roster would fit better for their activation.

We know how important the image and social media is now on days, for that reason we consider that having a great photographer, and or videographer is key for the success of a promotion. We have in our audiovisual team, professional event photographers, product photographers, video editors... let us know what you need and we'll do wonders with your project.
Vendors / Sponsorships

We know how important is for brands to find great events that fit with their target, same thing for events finding brands that can sponsor their event, or come as a vendor. In Wonder we will support both ways. Let us know what you need!
Costumized Events

We target events / brands / staff to make our events work as they should, GREAT. We'll make sure to bring the perfect staff to your team, people that are excited to work with you and are knowledge in your product, lifestyle, look... Same thing for events, we'll make sure to bring the brands that fits best in your event.
Actors and Voice Over Talent

Our diverse roster of event actors to hire include meet and greet, mix and mingle actors, character actors who can suit any theme and any type of party, event and PR campaign.
Our professional Voice Over actors will make your promos, trailers, narrative, animation and commercial voice overs engaging with the audience.